Description & Input

If it fits amazing, caught my eye, is delicious, improves my well-being, saves me money, is useful or I just love and obsess over it I want you to know about it and reap the benefits, too. My musings may just help improve your quality of life!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Gift This Necklace...

I love this necklace I saw in Real Simple magazine's gift guide.  They are right, it's the perfect gift for your friend, sister, and guys, your lady.  They are Morse Coded necklaces by Rebecca Coagan Scharlatt.  You can find them on her website COATT.  Everything has symbols and words these days.  I love the idea of simple round and straight gold beads on a short silk cord.  So understated.

Check them out for yourself.  I'm sure they'll make the perfect gift for at least one person on your list...or maybe get your own!

1 comment:

  1. How the heck did I miss this? I'm going to the site to check them out. :) I'm reading the book Extremely Loud and Incredibily Close and the little boy makes morse code jewelry for his mom. Genius!! Thanks for the info. xo over and out sister.
